Kumkumadi Pure & Natural Miracle Facial Oil 10ml For Glowing Skin with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs | Shine & Brightness | Anti Ageing | Anti Wrinkle | Reduces Dark Spots & Pigmentation for all Skin Type - passionindulge
Daily Glowing Kumkumadi Booster Combo - Kumkumadi Cleanser, Serum & Moisturizer - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Natural Handmade Bath Bar & Kumkumadi Facial Oil For Skin Glow, Shine & Brightness with Saffron, Vetiver and 16 Herbs - passionindulge
Daily Glowing Kumkumadi Booster Combo - Kumkumadi Cleanser, Serum & Moisturizer - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Pure & Natural Miracle Facial Oil 10ml For Glowing Skin with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs | Shine & Brightness | Anti Ageing | Anti Wrinkle | Reduces Dark Spots & Pigmentation for all Skin Type - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Pure & Natural Miracle Facial Oil 10ml For Glowing Skin with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs | Shine & Brightness | Anti Ageing | Anti Wrinkle | Reduces Dark Spots & Pigmentation for all Skin Type - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Pure & Natural Miracle Facial Oil 10ml For Glowing Skin with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs | Shine & Brightness | Anti Ageing | Anti Wrinkle | Reduces Dark Spots & Pigmentation for all Skin Type - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Pure & Natural Miracle Facial Oil 10ml For Glowing Skin with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs | Shine & Brightness | Anti Ageing | Anti Wrinkle | Reduces Dark Spots & Pigmentation for all Skin Type - passionindulge

روغن صورت خالص و طبیعی معجزه Kumkumadi 10ml برای پوستی درخشان با زعفران، وتیور و 16 گیاه | درخشش و روشنایی | ضد پیری | ضد چروک | کاهش لکه های تیره و رنگدانه برای انواع پوست

Regular price Rs. 594.00
Sale price Rs. 594.00 Regular price Rs. 990.00
Tax included.
10 ml
30 ml
  • فرمول اصلی آیورودا از 16 گیاه، روغن خالص و طبیعی Kumkumadi.
  • روغن کومکومادی واقعا برای مرطوب نگه داشتن پوست، کاهش خطوط ریز، تیرگی، رنگدانه ها و حلقه های تیره استفاده می شود و دارای خواص ضد پیری است، فراموش نکنید که درخشندگی بی نظیری به پوست می دهد!
  • این روغن قدیمی با گیاهان غنی مانند منجیستا، زعفران، چوب صندل و شیر گاو علاوه بر گیاهان دیگر غنی شده است.
  • Precaution
  • از تماس مستقیم با چشم خودداری کنید. در صورت تماس با چشم با آب فراوان بشویید.
  • قبل از اولین استفاده یک پچ تست انجام دهید. محصول طبیعی همچنین می تواند باعث واکنش آلرژیک شود. در صورت بروز قرمزی/التهاب/ سوزش مصرف آن را قطع کنید، از مصرف آن بر روی پوست ملتهب خودداری کنید.
  • در جای خشک و خنک نگهداری شود، در یخچال نگهداری نشود.
  • How to Use
  • 4-5 قطره را صبح و شب روی صورت و گردن بمالید.
  • ۲ تا ۳ دقیقه خوب ماساژ دهید تا روغن جذب پوست شود.
  • برای بهترین نتیجه، بعد از تمیز کردن صورت با پاک کننده صورت PASSION INDULGE KUMKUMADI استفاده کنید.
  • f

    Product Benefit :



    It’s a natural way to get a fairer, more glowing skin. It is also known to improve skin texture, treats ailments like pigmentation, dark circles, pimples and acne, and lighten darkened skin.It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.


    It has roots that are aromatic in nature. The oil distilled from its roots cures acne, dry skin, ageing skin, and skin irritation. Vetiver essential oil also helps in relaxing the body and mind.

    16 Herbs

    All herbs are antioxidant and each of them works on skin healing & skin Hydration to provide smooth & Healthy Skin.

    "Very good product. My skin is so sensitive nothing suits me easily but this one has rather improved my skin"


    "This product doesn't smell the same as the one I use, I have a feeling that it is duplicate."


    "Our family soap...moisturising and good for our skin"

    "Nice product for all skin type"

    This is a terrific product,I have very sensitive skin by reading the reviews I bought this face wash.This product does wonders to my face.Acne is completely under control and even the marks are fading away gradually.

    "I use it with all aloe tree range that includes cleanser toner and moisturizer. It has controlled my acne but skin still remains oily. Giving me a clear complexion. Happy with it"

    "I have been using this since a long time Such a nourishing cream and the best care that you can ever provide to you hair in these lockdown phase It has good smell, gives a softening effect and shine to my hair"

    "Amazing product"
    I have been using it for blemishes past a week and I can already see the difference It’s really good! Since it’s cheap pls do give it a try! It’s definitely worth it.

    "This product is a big big yes for my mother"
    She just loved how her complexion became lighter after regular use of this product,as it contains licorice,it is a natural lightening agent,it also reduces the deficiency of melanin in our skin

    Customer Reviews

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 18 reviews
    Awesome product

    My first face oil which turned out WOW... The day I started to use my skin started to glow All my pimples vanished and my pores got closed in no time I got rid of the tan and it moisturized my skin. Trust me this is a genuine product with Value for money.

    Good Product

    It was my first face oil and I'm in love with this. I used to suffer from dark spots and acne pigmentation...oil was deeply moisturizing and hydrating..my dark spots and pigmentation have 80 %gone after 30 days..but remember you have to use this oil as a standard alone product in your night care routine.

    Amazing Result

    Helped me reduce acne scars, reduce acne size, and make my skin softer and reduce wrinkles as well, If your skin is damaged this is a magical product for you go for it totally.

    Average product

    Did nothing for me.

    Ok product

    Got this after reading all reviews but my skin (sensitive & combination )found it quite ordinary. It didn’t show any wow or great results