Eternia NuSkin Facial Oil 10ml For Youthful Skin, Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | Skin Hydration & Nourishes | With Frankincense & Primerose | Natural - passionindulge
Eternia NuSkin Facial Oil 10ml For Youthful Skin, Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | Skin Hydration & Nourishes | With Frankincense & Primerose | Natural - passionindulge
Eternia NuSkin Facial Oil 10ml For Youthful Skin, Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | Skin Hydration & Nourishes | With Frankincense & Primerose | Natural - passionindulge
Eternia NuSkin Facial Oil 10ml For Youthful Skin, Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | Skin Hydration & Nourishes | With Frankincense & Primerose | Natural - passionindulge
Eternia NuSkin Facial Oil 10ml For Youthful Skin, Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | Skin Hydration & Nourishes | With Frankincense & Primerose | Natural - passionindulge
Eternia NuSkin Facial Oil 10ml For Youthful Skin, Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | Skin Hydration & Nourishes | With Frankincense & Primerose | Natural - passionindulge
Kumkumadi 7 Star Facial kit - PACK OF 2 - Kumkumadi oil based For Glowing & Radiant Skin - passionindulge

Масло для лица Eternia NuSkin 10 мл Для молодой кожи, против старения | Против морщин | Увлажнение и питание кожи | С ладаном и примулой | Натуральный

Обычная цена Rs. 330.00
Цена продажи Rs. 330.00 Обычная цена Rs. 550.00
Налог включен.
  • Масло для лица Eternia NuSkin содержит прекрасную смесь антивозрастных ингредиентов, которые помогают уменьшить все признаки старения, а также увлажняют и разглаживают кожу, уменьшают мелкие морщины и складки.
  • Precaution
  • Избегайте прямого попадания в глаза. В случае попадания в глаза промойте большим количеством воды.
  • Перед первым применением проведите тест на кожную рану.
  • Натуральный продукт также может вызывать аллергическую реакцию. Прекратите использование при появлении покраснения/воспаления/раздражения. Избегайте использования на воспаленной коже.
  • Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте, не в холодильнике.
  • How to Use
  • Наносите 4-5 капель на лицо и шею утром и вечером.
  • Тщательно помассируйте в течение 2–3 минут, чтобы масло впиталось в кожу.
  • f
    Eternia NuSkin Facial Oil 10ml For Youthful Skin, Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | Skin Hydration & Nourishes | With Frankincense & Primerose | Natural - passionindulge

    Масло для лица Eternia NuSkin 10 мл Для молодой кожи, против старения | Против морщин | Увлажнение и питание кожи | С ладаном и примулой | Натуральный

    Обычная цена Rs. 330.00
    Цена продажи Rs. 330.00 Обычная цена Rs. 550.00

    Product Benefit

    Молодая кожа
    Против старения и против морщин



    Богатый ингредиент древних времен, индийский ладан способствует заживлению ран, решению женских гормональных проблем, решению артрита и очищению воздуха. Также известный как дхуп, его сжигание в доме, как говорят, приносит хорошее здоровье.


    помогает смягчить и разгладить кожу, улучшая ее общую текстуру.

    "Very good product. My skin is so sensitive nothing suits me easily but this one has rather improved my skin"


    "This product doesn't smell the same as the one I use, I have a feeling that it is duplicate."


    "Our family soap...moisturising and good for our skin"

    "Nice product for all skin type"

    This is a terrific product,I have very sensitive skin by reading the reviews I bought this face wash.This product does wonders to my face.Acne is completely under control and even the marks are fading away gradually.

    "I use it with all aloe tree range that includes cleanser toner and moisturizer. It has controlled my acne but skin still remains oily. Giving me a clear complexion. Happy with it"

    "I have been using this since a long time Such a nourishing cream and the best care that you can ever provide to you hair in these lockdown phase It has good smell, gives a softening effect and shine to my hair"

    "Amazing product"
    I have been using it for blemishes past a week and I can already see the difference It’s really good! Since it’s cheap pls do give it a try! It’s definitely worth it.

    "This product is a big big yes for my mother"
    She just loved how her complexion became lighter after regular use of this product,as it contains licorice,it is a natural lightening agent,it also reduces the deficiency of melanin in our skin

    Customer Reviews

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 17 reviews
    Awesome products

    I have been using the brands products for almost 7 years, if I am not mistaken.. I am so happy with products that I do the marketing of the brands products free of charge to my known ones.. really happy

    About the product, the product shows visible results.

    Relieves redness and swelling

    Relieves redness, swelling and pimple pain & Calms down your skin

    It is nice

    The oil is moisturizing and has a nice scent.

    Nitali Gandhi

    I like it.

    In love with this product

    I am in awe and in love with this product. 🥰It cleared up my acne and is significantly diminishing my dark spots! Something that finally works - YAY!