Kumkumadi Cleanser For Glowing Skin | Shine & Brightness | Anti Aging | Anti Wrinkle| Ayurvedic & Natural | with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs| All Skin Types - 100ml - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Cleanser For Glowing Skin | Shine & Brightness | Anti Aging | Anti Wrinkle| Ayurvedic & Natural | with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs| All Skin Types - 100ml - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Cleanser For Glowing Skin | Shine & Brightness | Anti Aging | Anti Wrinkle| Ayurvedic & Natural | with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs| All Skin Types - 100ml - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Cleanser For Glowing Skin | Shine & Brightness | Anti Aging | Anti Wrinkle| Ayurvedic & Natural | with Saffron, Vetiver & 16 Herbs| All Skin Types - 100ml - passionindulge

Очищающее средство Kumkumadi для сияющей кожи | Блеск и яркость | Борьба со старением | Борьба с морщинами | Аюрведическое и натуральное средство | с шафраном, ветивером и 16 травами | Для всех типов кожи - 100 мл

Обычная цена Rs. 294.00
Цена продажи Rs. 294.00 Обычная цена Rs. 490.00
Налог включен.
  • Аюрведическое чистое и натуральное очищающее средство Кумкумади (16 трав с сырым КОРОВЬИМ молоком), а также эфирные масла, такие как шафран и ветивер с алоэ вера
  • Масло кокум и комплекс витаминов Vita Complex (A, C, E и F) помогают очистить кожу и замедляют появление признаков тусклой и дряблой кожи.
  • Precaution
  • Избегайте прямого попадания в глаза. В случае попадания в глаза промойте большим количеством воды.
  • Перед первым использованием сделайте тест на чувствительность. Натуральный продукт также может вызывать аллергическую реакцию. Прекратите использование, если возникнет покраснение/воспаление/раздражение. Избегайте использования на воспаленной коже.
  • Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте, не в холодильнике.
  • How to Use
  • Мокрое лицо и руки.
  • Возьмите небольшое количество очищающего средства для лица «Кумкумади», аккуратно вспеньте и помассируйте.
  • Для достижения наилучшего результата используйте масло для лица «Кумкумади».
  • Customer Reviews

    Based on 17 reviews
    Best for Face cleansing

    Using from last 4 years, love the Product


    I used for my face every morning and night I like it.

    Yogita Seth
    Average cleanser

    Love this cleanser. Smells very lovely and didn't leave my skin dry at all.

    Love it!

    I LOVE this for my acne, it IS actually drying but that's what I needed. It has solved all my acne problems

    Good Cleanser

    I bought it for my wife and she was very happy with it. First of all, the scent is very nice. It is very gentle, moisturizes well and the face doesn't feel dry after use. No need for any facial cream after use. It is very nicely packaged.

    "Very good product. My skin is so sensitive nothing suits me easily but this one has rather improved my skin"


    This is a terrific product,I have very sensitive skin by reading the reviews I bought this face wash.This product does wonders to my face.Acne is completely under control and even the marks are fading away gradually.

    "I have been using this since a long time Such a nourishing cleanser and the best care ."

    "Amazing product"
    I have been using it for blemishes past a week and I can already see the difference It’s really good! Since it’s cheap pls do give it a try! It’s definitely worth it.

    "This product is a big big yes for my mother"
    She just loved how her complexion became lighter after regular use of this product.

    Customer Reviews

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 17 reviews
    Best for Face cleansing

    Using from last 4 years, love the Product


    I used for my face every morning and night I like it.

    Yogita Seth
    Average cleanser

    Love this cleanser. Smells very lovely and didn't leave my skin dry at all.

    Love it!

    I LOVE this for my acne, it IS actually drying but that's what I needed. It has solved all my acne problems

    Good Cleanser

    I bought it for my wife and she was very happy with it. First of all, the scent is very nice. It is very gentle, moisturizes well and the face doesn't feel dry after use. No need for any facial cream after use. It is very nicely packaged.