Масло для лица Kumkumadi Pure & Natural Miracle 10 мл для сияющей кожи с шафраном, ветивером и 16 травами | Блеск и яркость | Борьба со старением | Борьба с морщинами | Уменьшает темные пятна и пигментацию для всех типов кожи
Обычная цена
Rs. 594.00
Цена продажи
Rs. 594.00
Обычная цена
Rs. 990.00
Налог включен.

It’s a natural way to get a fairer, more glowing skin. It is also known to improve skin texture, treats ailments like pigmentation, dark circles, pimples and acne, and lighten darkened skin.It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
It has roots that are aromatic in nature. The oil distilled from its roots cures acne, dry skin, ageing skin, and skin irritation. Vetiver essential oil also helps in relaxing the body and mind.
16 Herbs
All herbs are antioxidant and each of them works on skin healing & skin Hydration to provide smooth & Healthy Skin.