Kumkumadi Natural Handmade Bath Bar- 150 gm| For Skin Glowing, shine, and brightness with Kumkumadi oil, Vetiver Oil & 16 Herbs for All Skin Types - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Natural Handmade Bath Bar- 150 gm| For Skin Glowing, shine, and brightness with Kumkumadi oil, Vetiver Oil & 16 Herbs for All Skin Types - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Natural Handmade Bath Bar- 150 gm| For Skin Glowing, shine, and brightness with Kumkumadi oil, Vetiver Oil & 16 Herbs for All Skin Types - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Natural Handmade Bath Bar- 150 gm| For Skin Glowing, shine, and brightness with Kumkumadi oil, Vetiver Oil & 16 Herbs for All Skin Types - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Natural Handmade Bath Bar- 150 gm| For Skin Glowing, shine, and brightness with Kumkumadi oil, Vetiver Oil & 16 Herbs for All Skin Types - passionindulge
Kumkumadi Natural Handmade Bath Bar- 150 gm| For Skin Glowing, shine, and brightness with Kumkumadi oil, Vetiver Oil & 16 Herbs for All Skin Types - passionindulge
Kumkumadi 7 Star Facial kit - PACK OF 2 - Kumkumadi oil based For Glowing & Radiant Skin - passionindulge

Натуральное мыло для ванны ручной работы Kumkumadi - 150 г | Для сияния, блеска и яркости кожи с маслом кумкумади, маслом ветивера и 16 травами для всех типов кожи

Обычная цена Rs. 256.00
Цена продажи Rs. 256.00 Обычная цена Rs. 320.00
Налог включен.
  • Побалуйте свою утреннюю рутину с помощью роскошного бачка для ванны ручной работы Kumkumadi
  • С натуральными эфирными маслами, такими как масло кумкумади, масло ветивера.
  • Которые помогают питать кожу и улучшать ее состояние, а также возвращают ей сияние, блеск и яркость.
  • Precaution
  • Избегайте прямого контакта с глазами.
  • При попадании в глаза промыть большим количеством воды.
  • Перед первым использованием проведите тест на чувствительность.
  • How to Use
  • Смочите кожу водой.
  • Нанесите мыло для ванны Kumkumadi Bath Bar, массируя до образования пены, и тщательно смойте. Подходит для всех типов кожи.
  • Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Its Organic

    I like how it moisturises my face making it safe to use rather than using harmful facewashes...It has a strong nice smell, My face has become soft.

    WOW product

    It's super cleansing, brightening and nourishing plus it's toxin free. Worth every penny best facewash ever

    Super Bath Bar

    Very good soap. So smooth and giving freshness to the face. And even clearing the blackheads off my face too.

    Best For Face

    Wow..it's really good. I have many doubts about using this. But I have full confidence in using this..really good for my face. now I am glowing using this..really perfect for normal to dry skin..after using this I really don't need moisturizer for my face.

    "Very good product. My skin is so sensitive nothing suits me easily but this one has rather improved my skin"


    This is a terrific product,I have very sensitive skin by reading the reviews I bought this face wash.This product does wonders to my face.Acne is completely under control and even the marks are fading away gradually.

    "I have been using this since a long time Such a nourishing cleanser and the best care ."

    "Amazing product"
    I have been using it for blemishes past a week and I can already see the difference It’s really good! Since it’s cheap pls do give it a try! It’s definitely worth it.

    "This product is a big big yes for my mother"
    She just loved how her complexion became lighter after regular use of this product.

    Customer Reviews

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Its Organic

    I like how it moisturises my face making it safe to use rather than using harmful facewashes...It has a strong nice smell, My face has become soft.

    WOW product

    It's super cleansing, brightening and nourishing plus it's toxin free. Worth every penny best facewash ever

    Super Bath Bar

    Very good soap. So smooth and giving freshness to the face. And even clearing the blackheads off my face too.

    Best For Face

    Wow..it's really good. I have many doubts about using this. But I have full confidence in using this..really good for my face. now I am glowing using this..really perfect for normal to dry skin..after using this I really don't need moisturizer for my face.