Papain D10 Facial Oil 10ml for Tan Removal | Uneven Skin Tone | Remove Dead Skin Cells | Natural & Vegan | Ayurvedic | All Skin Type - passionindulge

Масло для лица Papain D10 10 мл для удаления загара | Неровный тон кожи | Удаление омертвевших клеток кожи | Натуральное и веганское | Аюрведическое | Для всех типов кожи

Обычная цена Rs. 330.00
Цена продажи Rs. 330.00 Обычная цена Rs. 550.00
Налог включен.
  • Яркая 100% натуральная смесь тщательно отобранных фруктов и экстрактов специй, а также концентрированных экстрактов эфирных масел апельсина и лимона в масле семян моркови и оливковом масле.
  • Папаин D10 предназначен для естественного обеспечения кожи богатым питанием.
  • Precaution
  • Избегайте прямого попадания в глаза. В случае попадания в глаза промойте большим количеством воды.
  • Перед первым использованием сделайте тест на чувствительность. Натуральный продукт также может вызывать аллергическую реакцию. Прекратите использование, если возникнет покраснение/воспаление/раздражение. Избегайте использования на воспаленной коже.
  • хранить в сухом и прохладном месте, не в холодильнике.
  • How to Use
  • Наносите 4-5 капель на лицо и шею утром и вечером.
  • Тщательно помассируйте в течение 2–3 минут, чтобы масло впиталось в кожу.
  • Для достижения наилучшего результата используйте средство после очищения лица с помощью средства для умывания PASSION INDULGE PAPAIN D10 FACE CLEANSER.
  • Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews

    This oil has transformed my skin, reducing the appearance of blemishes and giving me a smooth and radiant complexion

    Shreya Sharma

    I can't say enough good things about this facial oil. It has transformed my skin by removing tan and revealing a brighter complexion. It's a natural and vegan solution that I trust for achieving healthy and glowing skin.


    This facial oil has become my go-to product for tan removal. It's gentle yet effective, and it has helped me achieve a more even and radiant skin tone. I love that it's natural, vegan, and suitable for all skin types.

    Ananya Patel

    I've struggled with tan removal for a long time, but this facial oil has been a game-changer. It effectively reduces tan and brings back the natural glow of my skin. I highly recommend it to everyone.

    Meera Gupta

    Dealing with dead skin cells can make the skin look dull and lifeless. However, this facial oil has transformed my skin by gently removing dead cells and revealing a fresh and rejuvenated complexion. It's a skincare gem!

    "Very good product. My skin is so sensitive nothing suits me easily but this one has rather improved my skin"


    This is a terrific product,I have very sensitive skin by reading the reviews I bought this face wash.This product does wonders to my face.Acne is completely under control and even the marks are fading away gradually.

    "I have been using this since a long time Such a nourishing cleanser and the best care ."

    "Amazing product"
    I have been using it for blemishes past a week and I can already see the difference It’s really good! Since it’s cheap pls do give it a try! It’s definitely worth it.

    "This product is a big big yes for my mother"
    She just loved how her complexion became lighter after regular use of this product.

    Customer Reviews

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews

    This oil has transformed my skin, reducing the appearance of blemishes and giving me a smooth and radiant complexion

    Shreya Sharma

    I can't say enough good things about this facial oil. It has transformed my skin by removing tan and revealing a brighter complexion. It's a natural and vegan solution that I trust for achieving healthy and glowing skin.


    This facial oil has become my go-to product for tan removal. It's gentle yet effective, and it has helped me achieve a more even and radiant skin tone. I love that it's natural, vegan, and suitable for all skin types.

    Ananya Patel

    I've struggled with tan removal for a long time, but this facial oil has been a game-changer. It effectively reduces tan and brings back the natural glow of my skin. I highly recommend it to everyone.

    Meera Gupta

    Dealing with dead skin cells can make the skin look dull and lifeless. However, this facial oil has transformed my skin by gently removing dead cells and revealing a fresh and rejuvenated complexion. It's a skincare gem!