Tea Tree Essential Oil 10ml for Oily Hair Dandruff & Reduces Acne | Natural & Vegan - passionindulge
Tea Tree Essential Oil 10ml for Oily Hair Dandruff & Reduces Acne | Natural & Vegan - passionindulge
Tea Tree Essential Oil 10ml for Oily Hair Dandruff & Reduces Acne | Natural & Vegan - passionindulge
Tea Tree Essential Oil 10ml for Oily Hair Dandruff & Reduces Acne | Natural & Vegan - passionindulge
Tea Tree Essential Oil 10ml for Oily Hair Dandruff & Reduces Acne | Natural & Vegan - passionindulge
Tea Tree Essential Oil 10ml for Oily Hair Dandruff & Reduces Acne | Natural & Vegan - passionindulge

Эфирное масло чайного дерева 10 мл от перхоти и акне для жирных волос | Натуральное и веганское

Обычная цена Rs. 288.00
Цена продажи Rs. 288.00 Обычная цена Rs. 480.00
Налог включен.
  • Эфирное масло Tree Pure имеет легкий пряный, резкий аромат.
  • Масло чайного дерева помогает избавиться от прыщей и пятен, а также от таких заболеваний, как небольшие ожоги, герпес, солнечные ожоги и т. д.
  • Он полезен для устранения перхоти и, следовательно, помогает в уходе за волосами. Он помогает омолодить разум и тело.
  • Precaution
  • Избегайте прямого попадания в глаза. Перед первым применением сделайте тест на кожную аллергию.
  • Не наносить непосредственно на кожу. Эфирные масла следует разбавлять базовым маслом перед нанесением на кожу.
  • При попадании в глаза промыть большим количеством воды.
  • Не рекомендуется детям младше 3 лет. Не наносить непосредственно на кожу.
  • How to Use
  • Добавьте 4–5 капель в 8–10 мл миндального масла или масла виноградных косточек.
  • Мягко помассируйте кожу головы до полного впитывания.
  • Для достижения наилучшего результата смешайте с 2–3 каплями масла ладана и масла герани.
  • f
    Tea Tree Essential Oil 10ml for Oily Hair Dandruff & Reduces Acne | Natural & Vegan - passionindulge

    Эфирное масло чайного дерева 10 мл от перхоти и акне для жирных волос | Натуральное и веганское

    Обычная цена Rs. 288.00
    Цена продажи Rs. 288.00 Обычная цена Rs. 480.00


    Чайное дерево

    Антисептическое и противовоспалительное по своей природе, а также антивозрастное и противомикробное, оно полезно в случаях ненормальной Капхи и Питты, а также многих кожных заболеваний. Оно также является натуральным солнцезащитным кремом и борется с инфекциями и ожогами.

    "Very good product. My skin is so sensitive nothing suits me easily but this one has rather improved my skin"


    "This product doesn't smell the same as the one I use, I have a feeling that it is duplicate."


    "Our family soap...moisturising and good for our skin"

    "Nice product for all skin type"

    This is a terrific product,I have very sensitive skin by reading the reviews I bought this face wash.This product does wonders to my face.Acne is completely under control and even the marks are fading away gradually.

    "I use it with all aloe tree range that includes cleanser toner and moisturizer. It has controlled my acne but skin still remains oily. Giving me a clear complexion. Happy with it"

    "I have been using this since a long time Such a nourishing cream and the best care that you can ever provide to you hair in these lockdown phase It has good smell, gives a softening effect and shine to my hair"

    "Amazing product"
    I have been using it for blemishes past a week and I can already see the difference It’s really good! Since it’s cheap pls do give it a try! It’s definitely worth it.

    "This product is a big big yes for my mother"
    She just loved how her complexion became lighter after regular use of this product,as it contains licorice,it is a natural lightening agent,it also reduces the deficiency of melanin in our skin

    Customer Reviews

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews
    suman mishra

    Oil is my go-to for combating blemishes and maintaining clear and healthy-looking skin

    Ananya Gupta

    Tea tree essential oil has become a staple in my hair and skincare routine. It controls oiliness in my hair, eliminates dandruff, and helps reduce acne. I love that it's natural and vegan, making it a fantastic choice for anyone seeking healthier skin and hair.

    Divya Kapoor

    I've tried various products for my acne-prone skin, but tea tree essential oil has been the most effective. It reduces inflammation, fights bacteria, and clears up my skin without harsh chemicals. It's a skincare game-changer!

    Aarti Patel

    Tea tree essential oil has worked wonders for my dandruff. It soothes my scalp and eliminates flakes, giving me the confidence to wear dark-colored clothing without worrying about embarrassing dandruff. Highly recommended!

    Sanjana Sharma

    As someone with oily hair, I was constantly searching for a solution until I found tea tree essential oil. It has balanced my scalp's oil production, giving me healthier and more manageable hair. I love it!